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Your followers are a creative, unique, and inspiring group. But how od you get to know them better?
Are most of your posts telling rather than asking?
Have you been relying on posts like "Motivation Monday" or "Throwback Thursday" so you have something to post?
But what if there was something better? What if you could ask questions that allow you to get to know your followers better? What if you could get insights directly from them about their pains and needs to direct your new product direction?
And at the same time, your online group or page becomes your followers' favorite place on the internet.
With Something to Talk About™ you'll get your group talking in minutes, and you'll have more than enough conversations to last you throughout the year.
Inside you'll find 1000+ conversation-starting questions you can use to prompt your community to talk to you – and to each other. You can:
Imagine if every time you post your inbox filled up with comment notifications?
Imagine if your group actually started conversations themselves! (Yes – this actually happens once they get to know one another!)
And you can achieve all of this in minutes a day instead of wracking your brain for something new and creative to post.
Let's be honest. You don't need a lot of bells and whistles. You just need simple conversation starters that work.
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